Monday, February 24, 2020

Code of Conduct and Formulating A Plan of Action.

Strive to live according to a Code. No, a Dojo Kun is not enough and, more often than not, a Dojo Kun is simply repeated without any real thought as to what it truly entails.
Make a personal statement, make a Code of Conduct that you look to EVERY DAY and actually understand on a deep personal level, do not just strive to apply it in every aspect of life... APPLY IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE!

What do you feel is important? What are some non-negotiable things you find virtuous that YOU and the WORLD could benefit from it there were more of it? What could YOU model to others and inspire more of the same in them?
Budo has the Code of Bushido, the Stoics have a code of conduct based on living according to what they find Virtuous, Reasonable, and Just, the Knights of Old had a Code of Chivalry they were to follow in all aspects of life, from home life to the Battlefield.

More often than not people just step onto the training floor (and out into the world) with no real purpose behind what they are doing, no reason, no focus, no intent.
Again, a Teacher can make a class recite the Dojo Kun every day, both before and after class, but it seldom sinks in and rarely has any effect on their lives when they step off the floor... Many do not even know the words they are repeating, especially if they are Children.

Perhaps a good exercise would be to have each Student (and each Teacher) come up with a personalized Code of Conduct that they carry with them everywhere, to which they can reference to the point of internalization, so that it manifests in the being from whence it came.
Follow this up with Daily Action Plans based around said Codes of Conduct, these Action Plans can differ depending on the needs of each day, but must include some Non-Negotiable things that MUST be carried out each day, like Meditation, Exercise, Chores around the House, Daily Journal Entries to seek improvement in one's character according to the Code of Conduct.

Essentially this is a contract with your inner self, to draw out that spirit within and really get to know it.

I have a Code of Conduct that includes three parts, the first part has to do with Character and Consistency, the second part has to do with Points of Action to carry out improvement according to the first part as well as on a physical level, the third part consists of Avoidances, things to refrain from in order to bolster the first part.
It is nothing fancy, but it is straight forward and personal, it is something that rings true for me and if I fail to live up to it on a daily basis it hits home because I am not letting anyone, but myself, down (although it improves my self, this ripples outward to all areas of my life, including those who are part of my life, so ultimately it does effect more than just myself).

My Sensei always said you can Bullshit everybody else in the world, but you cannot Bullshit the Bullshitter.
If you are fake and hollow, but give a good presentation to the rest of the world, YOU will still be fake and hollow at the end of the day and YOU will know that, regardless of how much YOU might deny it to yourself and those around you... Eventually it does also bleed out for the world to see and everything comes back to bite you in the ass.

Don't be that person... Be better than you were yesterday so that you are the best you can be today, in this moment, right here, right now... You may not have the ability to put this off until tomorrow, there may not be a tomorrow for you, so don't do tomorrow what can be done today... Right now. Get up and do it!

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