Sunday, May 10, 2020

Fake Authorities.

So I purchased a book a couple months ago mainly because I wanted something new to read and the title, as well as the description, stood out to me.
The Author and his page are followed by a number of my friends on Facebook, all reputable and skilled Martial Artists in their own right, so I figured I would give the book a shot and it sounded like it would be an interesting read. Controversial at least.

I had to force my way through a good portion of the book as something felt a bit off, red flags were going up everywhere.
So much ego-stroking and trash talking in the book that did not fit the persona this individual presented to the world through his Facebook Page and his other books.
The man was all about honor, respect, the warrior ethos, humility, but in these pages he had proven himself to be anything BUT what he purported himself to be.

Was this a way of Marketing himself? Most likely, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I prefer honesty, even brutal honesty, over whatever was going on here... Something told me there was more to it, however, so I looked into it before reading the book any further.
What I found really did not surprise me at al, considering this type of thing happens all the time. The Author of the book is an outright con-man. He has almost no formal experience beyond basic Kyu Ranking and a one-off session with Al Decascos.

He entered into an Organization, which itself has a pretty laughable title, and was awarded an honorary Dan Grade that was later revoked by that Organization due to a falling out they had with the individual.
He was caught photoshopping some certificates and putting them on his website, buying certificates from a certificate mill, even got himself named to a Martial Arts Hall of Fame (read shame, because most of these are scams for which you can pay to have your name entered and receive ‘honors’).
Now he has taken down the certificates and only lists the title of ‘Hanshi’ which he also has printed on the black belt he wears around a pristine white Gi (complete with a Replica of the sword from Highlander in hand).

Obviously this all looks ridiculous and normally I would just laugh it off. I gave a review of the book because I review what I read and other things I purchase.
I felt it necessary to explain my review so that others could be more informed and not waste their time or money on a work of outright fiction presented as fact by a fraud.

Needless to say my review was reported as abuse of policy through Amazon and removed... I was given a warning that threatened the existence of my account, for which I pay to get services and streaming, and told not to do it again.
I have only given a couple negative reviews, so this was surprising to me and the message did not list which product it was regarding, at least not in the E-Mail, so I went to Amazon, reviewed the message there and also reviewed their guidelines.
Upon review I could not find where it had violated any guidelines listed, so I E-Mailed them to clarify exactly what rule or rules had been violated.
I am still awaiting a response on this. It seems more likely that the Author reported it simply because it called him out for what he was, but removal of a negative review is not a valid reason, in fact, giving honest reviews is protected by law in the United States.

My aim was to give just that, an honest review based on what portion of the book I had read, why I did not finish it, and what I had found regarding the Author and the blatant misrepresentation they were promoting of who they are and what was contained within the pages of the book.
It is NEVER okay to mislead, especially when your whole persona is based on principles of virtue and the idea that one teaches these virtues to others... If one cannot practice what they preach then their words are meaningless and, in the case of Martial Arts, misrepresentation of this kind can get others hurt.
What is the purpose? A quick buck made off the ignorance of others? A sense of Authority and Power? Both?

The Author, Bohdi Sanders, is very good at convincing others with zero proof. He has been placed on a pedestal by many good people who DO listen to what he has to say, and this is a travesty.
Many are following his page ‘Warrior Wisdom and the Warrior Lifestyle’ on Facebook where he speaks as though from a pulpit with a voice of Authority, but it is unearned Authority with next to no experience.
Why do they not ask why few videos exist of his Kata or Training (save one)? Is it because his training is so secretive and deadly that it cannot be shown? That is just as much of a bullshit argument as ‘it is too deadly to use my art in the ring.’

Why do they not ask why this guy has such a huge sense of self importance for a guy that talks about how bad egocentricity is and how people should follow the virtue of humility? What about his teachings and sayings regarding Honor in light of his actions and how he presents himself as opposed to the truth?

Giving such people a podium and position of Authority just because they have the capital to publish some books does nothing but make the Community as a whole look bad.

I don’t care if anyone continues to listen to the guy, it doesn’t really effect me, but don’t pretend. Take the blinders off and take a look in the mirror. Are you being honest or are you just fooling yourself? If it is the latter, how do you know? Did you inform yourself by looking into all this or did you choose to just accept things at face value, thus remaining willfully ignorant?
If ignorant, how can one impart anything to anyone if they are willing to accept that stance rather than better themselves?

Do what you will, but honesty is always the best policy.

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