Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Some Things to Impliment.

This is not something that was on my radar to write about and not something I wanted to write about particularly, considering the negative vibes people are putting off in regards to the coverage of it, but here we are.
No, I am not going to write about what a state we are in and what hopelessness surrounds the situation, but what CAN be done to combat this thing along with what people might find useful in safeguarding their families.
Livelihoods may be lost, but in the Philosophical School of Stoicism, we tend to suffer more in imagination than in reality. That is not to make light of the situation, but to put it in a different perspective.

A positive mindset can overcome just about anything, not everything, mind you, but just about anything.
Yes, when it is our time to go, it is our time, not much can be done about that, but at least we can face it knowing full well it is our time; as they say, an old Tiger knows when its' time has come. For most of us we are not there yet and, despite the panic, we know that deeply.
Take heart and forge your spirit to push forward. On the other side is wisdom. Yes, things may be different, they likely will be, but what are YOU going to do with that knowledge NOW?

If you are exposed, or even if you are not, bolster your immune system with some Ibuki Breathing, or Kokyo Ho (as they call it in Aikido), learn to put yourself through discomfort with a mind to push through it by taking cold showers, switch to hot at the very end, then step out, dry off, and go about your day.
Make a game plan, have non-negotiable activities, like Meditation, exercise is good to follow this, stretch, keep in good shape, in good health, but most of all, take your mind back and keep it positive.

Don't go out an buy in a panic, panic and fear COMPROMISE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM if you are in such states for extended periods of time and this will lead to becoming ill, this will lead to negative mindsets, this will lead to further doubt, fear, even anger.
Anger is one thing that can go either way, uncontrolled and it will hurt you, controlled and reigned in, coupled with a positive mind (sounds weird) it can see you through almost anything. You will be a force of nature at that point and someone not to be trifled with.

Stock up on canned food, whole food, staple food, a little bit at a time, don't buy in bulk. Toilet paper? Not really a big deal, napkins are available, a bit at a time.
Crime is about to go up in response to measures that are being taken, mainly because people do not think in their panicked state and some come to things too late so they will seek what others have. Don't show what you have, not entirely, and be prepared for people to confront you, even violently. Make sure your homes are secure, look for weaknesses in security, stay vigilant, but never lose your mindset, never allow that to carry you away.

I have recommended practicing Sanchin Kata three times a day. That is one way of doing things. I also recommend taking a walk around your house or apartment each day when you wake, and each night when you go to bed, make sure things are secure.
Also, get to know your neighbors, never discount your community. In this whole thing, never allow yourself to be alienated from those around you. Fear can set in if someone we know comes down with the infamous virus, but look at them as a person and put yourself in their shoes. Most of us will fight off the virus, so we need not worry in the slightest, while those that are most at risk might depend on our help, never fail to give it if you can.

I do NOT agree with social distancing, as most of us will overcome the virus, it is not Ebola, it is not Swine Flu, so build immunity, the same way we used to do with Chicken Pox.
Even in an Ebola outbreak I would likely help those that needed it, yes, it is scary, but I am comfortable with my own mortality, and one person's last moments can be made better with some simple acts of kindness.

Don't give in to fear. Take your time. Even here, Shihan's teaching rings true, do a little, but do it often.

Wake up.

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