Friday, March 20, 2020

The True Path.

It is not how much you know, but how much you train, how deep you question, and how much of yourself you put in (and take away) from it all.
There is no such thing as a ‘black belt’ or a ‘white belt’ and titles are meaningless when they are given based on WHAT you THINK you know.

There is no such thing as ‘advanced,’ just things repeated in different ways, or often the same ways in different sequences, in different places, and these things are only illustrated to teach something... The only way to learn is in doing, in training, and in questioning.
Take NOTHING at face value, nothing whatsoever... Pick something. Spend a lifetime on that, all other things will fall into place and the results will flow out into every other aspect of life if you keep the right focus and mindset.
Good character, however, is not the goal, but a side effect. The goal is in defeating enemies, which turns to defeating obstacles, ultimately defeating yourself and, as a result, revealing yourself.

This is not a sport or a game. This is not some fancy philosophy about living in some romanticized ideal of harmony and balance.
True balance comes through struggle, constant pushing and pulling, bending and swaying, all upon a center point, the eye of the storm.
Harmony is an illusion as most everything in nature seeks to kill and dominate everything else, so true nature is brutal, living in harmony is accepting the brutal nature of reality. Peace is ever dependent on War just as up is dependent on down and right on left.

White pajamas, colored belts, prim-and-proper etiquette and form? Etiquette is important within our social circles, but the notion of form does not carry itself into reality and if it cannot readily serve this  purpose then it is utterly useless... Stop calling it what it is not.
If it leads to weakness and calls for dependence and approval then, at the end of the day, it serves no one except those whom it serves and THAT IS NOT YOU.

Education is meant to bring out what is within and refine it, understand it, mold it in a way that improves its’ functionality and expression.
Uniquely human, but not entirely. That manner of brutality already exists inside of you in its’ raw form, now to couple that raw energy with a true manner of education... Rather than telling you WHAT to do it will shed light on the thing and show you HOW.
No Teacher can truly do this for you, they can point towards whatever it is based on what worked for them (questionable in this day and age with most), but only you can make any sort of headway towards understanding as you walk the path.

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