Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Void Strategy.

Forget Bunkai, analysis is a conscious thing... Train to work outside of thought in continuous flow of the void.
Understanding that most cannot have a partner right now due to Social Distancing, I am fortunate I can just grab my nephew and throw him around in the back yard whenever I want, but the imagination is useful, as is a bottle of water suspended by a string and swung at random.

Irikumi is something I first experienced (outside of point sparring) in the Dojo of Gene Villa Sensei, prior to that it was Randori in Aikido and rolling in Jujitsu (although I did learn to utilize a very slow form of Randori/Irikumi in Gene’s Dojo as well).
The point is, don’t train by analysis, train by doing and allow things to unfold out of the endless sea of motion, the back and forth, the pushing and pulling, the striking, the attempted throws, etc.
The form of Irikumi I see practiced in Genten No Ti is a VERY effective training tool in order to bring things to the surface along the lines of the mechanics taught and the modes of attack. Very strategic in nature and requiring very little thought, everything just flows out from the source (Genten).

I experienced this sort of thing for the first time many years ago. I was a member of the testing board at the Evergreen Learning Center and a green belt student of my Sensei’s was testing for his next rank.
He was older than me, but had a younger sort of vibe, so I can say that he was a shy kid, trapped in his shell much like I was at the beginning, although not as extreme as my shell had been.
Sensei wanted to break him out of that shell so he turned to me and said, ‘We are going to break from Tradition today,’ I simply stood there waiting to see what he would say next, ‘Jiu Kumite’ he said, it was not a question or suggestion.
I nodded and stepped onto the floor, bowed to my opponent, let out a kiai, and attacked without warning.
It took a few moments, but our Shy Guy started to fight back, and fight back hard... It was actually a pretty amazing thing to behold... He was on the offensive and was actually attempting to take the initiative and control the fight, mind you neither of us were wearing any sort of protective sparring gear.

He was taking hits, hard hits, I was taking a few as well and they were getting more and more powerful as we went, ‘Fight me,’ I would whisper under my breath, ‘You got this.’
At one point he landed solid on my ribs, which snapped something in my brain, after that, he landed nothing.
I was twisting and turning, letting him pass and landing elbows simultaneously, as he tried to back up I would follow with a barrage of backfists, hands sweeping in circular form on their own.
Afterwards I was complimented by a guy in the audience who said I moved really well and he liked what I was doing... I had been working nothing but Saifa Kata (some say a variation on Naifuanchin) all that week and it all flowed from there... No analysis necessary, just endless flow from the void. Nothing exists, until it does.

That is something Jan Sensei said at one point, regarding the void, that will stick with me forever.

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