Monday, July 13, 2020

Modern Karate - A Tool Towards Social Conformity.

The Mob Mentality is an interesting thing to behold; taking otherwise reasonable, intelligent people and turning them into their polar opposite.
Human nature is social at it's core, emotional, and conformist when it comes to the way of what is perceived as the majority in whatever tribe the individual identifies with.
Defend it tooth and nail they will, regardless of right or wrong, even when faced with truth... The crowd is an organism that has no use for truth, fact, or even solid morality, although morality will be twisted and utilized to justify conformity to the butter end.

Many Organizations seem to bolster this conformist tendency in nearly every way.
The individual must submit to the group as a whole, must never question, must always do things as they are taught/told without fail.
Perform everything in exact detail the very same as everyone else, although some variance will creep in, ultimately what is correct is correct without question and very little, no, or inaccurate explanation.
When reality rears its' ugly head this is written off as either lack of experience or glossed over and forgotten entirely with many different excuses.

The individual's shouts get drown out by the crowd and the individual themselves get ostricized, or worse... Banishment is still a very real threat, at least at the core of our base human nature, a Psychologically ingrained need to belong based on millennia worth of necessary traits for survival.
Banishment, failure, denial of moving to a better position within the group heirarchy... Conform or else.
This may not be something of which the leadership of any Organization are even aware, but it is there none the less, and common practice seems to reinforce it.
Some are aware and outright seek to manipulate it. Cults do this all the time, as do Politics... The entirety of our society as a whole functions through its' lense and our schools seek to reinforce it as well.

On the flip side we are capable of being truly individual as people, thinking for ourselves when outside the 'hivemind' standing on our own two feet.
We are capable of discernment, of learning and growing, of facing reality and correcting course when necessary.
Able to take what is useful and discard what is not in light of new information as we face the truth in reality rather than shunning it to remain in compliance with the group.
We are capable of being Self reliant, even capable of passing this on to others in a coherent fashion with good understanding whilst allowing those we teach the individual freedom to explore for themselves.
On an individual level we do not tell others what to think, but teach them HOW to think, learn, and grow for themselves without enforcing rigid conformity to some system, form, or Organization... People like this are often called heretics, eccentrics, odd, insane, crackpots, cooks.
They do not tow the line, they have no real line, the line goes them and they move in unison with it (or sometimes against it as the situation dictates).

This should be the true aim of our journey, or not, depending on what you might seek, maybe you don't know? Best not to let someone else tell you what you are looking for and actually look for yourself, even if it puts you at odds with everything and everyone.
The individual values truth above all else, the group values itself above all else and despises truth.

Why are you practicing specific Kata? Do you even understand what you are doing? Do you fiercely defend what you are doing despite your lack of understanding?
Waking up is sometimes hard to do if you have fallen into specific habits and unconsciously conform. It is one of the most painful processes in the world, and costly in the extreme.
Expect fierce resistance, from the group AND your own heart and mind, they will fight back as you seek to rebel.
In the end we all walk alone, matching to the beat of time's finite drum until death takes us... Did you seize the day for yourself?

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