Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Necessity for A Study in Violence.

 It is more than painfully obvious that crime is escalating, criminals becoming more brazen in their activities and actions, despite any polling, it is plainly obvious by just paying attention, by listening, watching, and communicating within the community (funny how both contain 'commune').

It would be foolish to question the place of violent study in the grand scheme of things, just as it would be foolish to question the necessity of food and water.

From empty hand, to blunt and edged weapons, to non-lethal items such as mace or bear spray and Tasers to Fire Arms. Police are under staffed, under funded in a lot of places, and only arrive AFTER a crime has been committed. 

Being pro-active in our own protection and the protection of those whom depend on us (even those who don't) is our responsibility, as is knowing how to operate within legal parameters and the Psychological Ramifications of doing so. 

Just yesterday something went down outside of the school my children attend.

A registered Sex Offender was confronted and subsequently arrested after casing the parameter of the school, in broad daylight and in view of a number of witnesses. 

This is not an isolated incident and there are more examples of brazen criminal behavior from which I can draw to justify that it is utter irresponsibility to put off an understanding of Self Protection to an outside Organization. 

Especially when it comes to those you love. 

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