Friday, December 2, 2022

Book Review: Book Not Named

Running on a lot of coffee, vape, and rage today…

Reading a book that someone recommended I read by someone we mutually knew.

Not necessarily someone I liked when they were alive, although at first they were fine, but as time went on I got to know just what type of a person they were.

That has nothing to do with the book, however, as I have found insightful books by absolutely dreadful people in the past.

This book, however, was clearly written by a, then, bitter old man succumbed to absolute Nihilism regarding their own life, circumstance, and some of the life decisions that may have been the roots.

There are some good points in this work, such as finding a balance between life and Martial Arts, that Martial Arts are not life, but can be a tool for improving life and facing things head on… Which the author did not do.

There is also the point about the evolution of training as one ages since age changes us all and we are not as young as we used to be… It MUST change and evolve.

The author seems to have learned this at a point that was too late and they were certainly bitter about that.

The author comes off as some sort of authority on Martial Arts when, in truth, they had only been training a couple years longer than myself.

My own Sensei gave them glowing praise as a Budoka, but the author trashed my Teacher, and their own, at any chance they got.

The take away of the book, what little of it there is, did not require so many pages and is certainly not original to the book itself.

The ramblings of a bitter person who could not cope or accept the circumstances of their life and face it accordingly… Which is fine, maybe the book was their final attempt to cope, or, more likely, a means to make more money and gain more of an air of authority on a subject they were clearly not following enough to speak as such.

Anger and bitterness are brutal bedmates, yes, we all face this at one point or another, but it is never anyone else’s fault but our own.

I am forty, I don’t train like a twenty year old. It is THAT simple.

I can certainly recommend this book, but I am not going to for the simple fact that one should not have to pay for common sense… Common sense is free.

I am not going to name the book or the author either as that would be disrespectful since they have since passed on from this world.

What I can say is that I hope they finally found peace.

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